Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Well we arrived in Texas at 2. HOT AS HECK! So, we decided to play in the little pool. Hannah was so happy to finally get into a pool that she was jumping and splashing everywhere. Elayna is used to a rambunctious sister, but Nara had a little trouble adjusting to the constant splashing! Especially when Ed whipped out the HOSE!!! Yes, he started it. By the end, Ed, Joy, and myself were completely drenched in our clothes. Nara, adjusted well to the noise, hussle, and bussle. Elayna, put up with splashing in the face, hose attacks, and getting wiped out by Hannah more than once. Hannah was in heaven. She was so content to play in the water that she almost seems oblivious to the house getting shot at the back of her head! When we left Idaho, it was still in the upper sixties. She hadn't had the opportunity to swim in the backyard yet. We have a semi-busy week planned. Keep watching for updates! Oh, you may notice the minor road rash on Elayna's forehead. Yes, she lost a battle with the sloped concrete driveway. She scuffed both her knees, and her forehead clear down to her nose. She cried for about 30 seconds then was fine. What a big girl!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wild time of swimming. Poor Nara will go into shock with the quiet when you leave. My poor bugs boo boos. Have fun. Miss all of you.