Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hannah's Birthday

This year for Hannah's birthday, she wanted to have it at the gymnastics center. For their small rental fee, you virtually have free rein of the facilities. It is a controlled environment where the children could run and release all energy. We rented the building for 90 minutes. We weren't sure if this was going to be enough time (factoring in cake and presents), but it turned out to be perfect. After 90 minutes the kids were all either too tired to continue or too hyper and needed a little cool down time. One of their favorite things was putting the foam blocks onto a trampoline and jumping with them. I was able to get a decent video of it. All of Hannah's friends were very generous. She recieved several Tangled items, Disney princess, and outdoor type toys. Of course once we got home, we had to play with most of them. The first to make the table was the play-doh (these were in the gift bags). The kids were quite content with this, Hannah even made a very cute little girl. Elayna wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but enjoyed smashing it none-the-less. After that was finished we had to go outside and draw on the sidewalk withour new chalk. Hannah made a tulip family while Elayna drew circles or swirls or whatever it is a 2 year old thinks they are creating. In any case, our sidewalk was very colorful.

The next morning was her real birthday. We had a small family party. Hannah wanted grilled cheese sandwhiches and tomato soup for her birthday meal...easy for me, I guess! Once again, she made out like a bandit. She received all the clothing she will need for the summer, plus the last couple of toys she has been asking for. We make three toy lists a year. First is the Santa list ("Put it on your list for Santa"), then the Easter Bunny list ("Put it on your list for the Easter Bunny"), and lastly it is the birthday list ("Put it on your birthday list"). Now comes the long haul...back to the Christmas list. All-in-all it was a great weekend. Hannah is doing very well and she was very greatful. She is now in the process of writing all of her Thank You cards. She is almost done.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those little ones had such a great time. Alot of energy wasted that could have been bottled for others. Love Gramma