Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Conlin's Easter Birthday!

It's not that often that one gets their birthday on Easter Sunday! It has happened twice in my life and will again in the near future. However, Conlin will only get one Easter birthday in our lifetime. To celebrate the joyous occasion, Sara and Josh through a fabulously huge Easter birthday party. It started out with general play time, then turned into a big Easter egg hunt. Elayna was lucky enough to get one of the magic eggs with a prize within it. Of course, she chose a bubble blower. Afterwards, the kids enjoyed delicious food. Elayna was only interested in the fruit, but that is to be expected with her. Finally, they threw hollowed out eggs filled with confetti at their fence. I did my best to capture the picture, it wasn't a bad photo. After the party was over, Elayna quickly crashed. She was asleep before we even got home!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara sure did alot of work for the party. Looks like everyone had a great day.
Love MOM