Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Porter Park

As the sweltering lower 90* heat with no humidity crept upon us, we decided to drive to Rexburg and play at Porter Park. For those of you who have never been there, it is a free mini waterpark that the kids can enjoy. Mostly safe, unless you have a child like mine who invents new ways of hurting herself. As you can see from the far left middle photo she is crying. In the bottom right you can see Hannah sitting on one of the water spouts. With five spouts in all, as you sit on one, the others get higher. Elayna became the victim of one such incident. As she walked past one of the water spouts, a kid blocked another one resulting in a stream of water blasting its way up her nose! Hence the tearful picture. From my prespective, it was rather entertaining, but having inhaled water before, I know she was in temporary discomfort. Besides that, and one slip on the steps resulting in Elayna skinning a toe, all was well. The kids enjoyed themselves, and truly wore themselves out!
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