Monday, July 20, 2009

Ross Park

Ross Park is a great place to take the kids to. After four weeks of swimming lessons, the girls were anxious to test out their new swimming skills. Although Hannah and Adrea were content to stay in the kid's pool, Abby wanted to venture to bigger things. She is becoming quite the swimmer. I enjoyed racing her in the deep end several times. She also enjoyed going down the BIG water slide with Aunt Amy and David W. In the meantime Hannah and Adrea went down the small slide, ran through waterfalls, and played on the tire swing. This was also Elayna's first day in the pool. She did quite well. She hardly fussed eventhough we kept her in the pool for nearly three hours. Towards the end, I wrapped her in her towel and put that in the pool. It helped to keep the sun off her. All-in-all it was a great day.
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1 comment:

Devin and Brittney Wood Family said...

Looks like fun! The little ones are getting so big! Hey, when does volleyball open gym start? I am itching to play again.