Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday we went on an Easter Egg hunt at the church. There were about 40 kids in all. The area they used was the size of a baseball field. About a third of it was coned off so the kids three and under could be successful and not overrun by the big kids. The eggs in that area were sitting on top of the grass and very obvious to find. There were only 4 kids under 3, so Elayna was very successful...that is until the first egg broke open. Once she saw that there was candy inside, she was DONE! She has a huge sweet tooth. Hannah had the other two-thirds of the field to scavange. When they shouted "GO" all the kids ran in the same direction. Ed yelled at Hannah to run a different way and she did. She had her basket half-filled before anyone saw what she was doing. She also found a very coveted "golden" egg. Besides looking quite shiny, it had no more value than the other eggs. Still all the other kids were talking about it and Hannah felt like she found a huge treasure.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They had so much fun and glad we didt miss it. Love GAMMA