Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hannah's Photography Take 2!

So, Hannah asked if she could take my camera and take pictures around the yard. Of course I was a little nervous that she would bury it in the sand box, but never-the-less, I gave it to her. I was truly amazed at some of the pictures she took. She was able to capture some great pictures. Everything on both of these collages were taken by her and unedited by me. All of my other collages I edit and take out all the background stuff. A couple of my favorites are their feet, the tennis ball, the worm, her wolf pup, and Elayna on top of the tree house (head view). She didn't use the zoom at all. (I never told her about it. I was trying to minimize the number of buttons she had to push!) She asked for a camera for Christmas. I asked her if she wanted Santa or mom and dad to get it for her. She told me mom and dad so we could get the right one! Of course, she wants a purple and silver one...boy do I have a task in front of me!
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