Friday, July 8, 2011

Playing in the Sun

When it gets hot, the kids surely love to get wet. Somehow, we came across two different kid sprinkler items. One was from mom, the other was in the garage...can't remember from where. In any case, the blue ring actually pushes out the water quite forcefully. Elayna hated it since it was always over her face! The hopscotch however, was perfect for Elayna since she could walk across it without getting her face wet. Although, she quickly found out that once you step on an edge, water comes blasting out (hence the wet face). With the weather this nice, we have been playing outside often, and picnicing almost daily. We are into BBQ'ing everything! It was a fun week, except for a minor sunburn that Hannah attained. She kept laying on her back and scooting across the hopscotch. Well, apparently that made the sunscreen come off quicker than I had planned and she has a small sunburn. I don't think she has ever had one before. One thing is for certain, she doesn't like having one!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so cute having fun. I hope they enjoy the whole summer this much. Love the picnics.Gramma